Borja Ferrater
Borja Ferrater is a licensed architect, from the International University of Catalonia (UIC), 2005.
He obtained his doctorate in April 2017. Between 2008 and 2011 Borja was Vice-Dean of Culture Publications and International Relations at the School of Architecture of UIC.
He was Visiting Assistant Professor in 2011 in Pratt Institute, New York. Borja was also invited within the “Richard W. Trott Distinguished Visiting Professor” program at Ohio State University in 2017.
Founding Partner Architect of OAB (Office of Architecture in Barcelona) together with Xavier Marti, Carlos & Lucia Ferrater in January 2006. He has received several awards for his designs as well as given lectures, participated in round tables and jury of prizes in more than 20 countries around the world. He has also had articles published about many of his works in multiple magazines, catalogues, and other publications.